Sunday, December 16, 2007

Random pictures

Laura's crazy cat.
Daniel and Heather sharing lunch.

Daniel just about killed himself working so hard to get the storm drain system in and rebar down before the guys came to pour the concrete. I had to go out one night around midnight and tell him to stop and come home.

Moving right along

Insulation in the "apartment"

and in the shop

This is the guy that did the taping, I don't know his name, but he is really fast!
The apartment ready for texture

We hung a piece of duct work down in the apartment and turned the heater on to help the tape and texturing dry faster, I am determined to be moved in by Christmas.

One hard working Dad

My father-in-law Stan, the hardest working retired person I have ever seen. He spent a couple of days on the trencher putting in the trenches for the drainage system, and sprinklers, and other stuff that I don't know what they are for. I think he kinda got a kick out of driving it.

Here he is capping off the septic tank.

More concrete

The front walk
The entryway
Pouring the "breakfast" patio.
I thought it was very cool how they stamped the design into the concrete.

More stamping.

Lots of windows

We drove to Oregon to pick up the windows, this is the one for the dinning room. It was tricky getting it loaded and unloaded.
And here it is put in, I love it!
I told Daniel and Brian, our framer, that they could not stop until all of the windows were put in, so here they are working into the night. I am one tough superintendent!